[Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Logo]

News Notice
January 12, 2023
Member Engagement Session - Future By-law Changes
Council invites all members to participate in open online engagement sessions discussing potential by-law changes for 2023. All potential changes for the by-laws stem from pending changes to The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act through Bill 233. Online engagement sessions will be held on Wednesday, January 25, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Tuesday, February 2, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. To participate in an online engagement session, visit the event page. Alternatively, feedback or questions can be emailed to Danielle Unett at DUnett@EngGeoMB.ca. You can find Manitoba's current legislation on the Legislation portion of our website.

Stakeholder Engagement Session: 2020 Model Code Adoption
The Province of Manitoba has announced it will adopt the 2020 editions of the national model construction codes (building, plumbing, energy, and fire). As the previously posted proposal was to adopt the 2015 edition of the national model codes, Inspection and Technical Services is enquiring with several key stakeholder groups if there are any questions or concerns specific to adoption of the 2020 edition of the national model codes. This session will be held online on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, and a Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants the morning of the event. See our event page to register.

Last Chance For 2022 Ingenium On-Demand Library
The Ingenium On-Demand Library, featuring all of the live and exclusively recorded sessions from Ingenium 2022 is available until January 27, 2023. Those who registered for Ingenium can use their email address to access the On-Demand Library at any time. If you missed out, it's not too late: Ingenium registration closes this Friday, January 13, 2023, and you'll get instant access to the On-Demand Library. If you have any questions, please contact Gemma Keatch at GKeatch@EngGeoMB.ca.

Nominate an Outstanding Woman in Engineering Today
In 2013, the Price Faculty of Engineering unveiled a permanent installation, Celebrating Women in Engineering. The wall includes a listing of all women graduating from the faculty programs, and is headlined by feature profiles of six notable women in the profession. These feature profiles are updated periodically, and the Price Faculty of Engineering invites members of the community to nominate a woman deserving of this recognition. For more information, please see the U of M news story and note that the nomination deadline has been extended to February 6, 2023.

Volunteer Opportunities
Nominating Committee - Multiple Positions
The Nominating Committee assists Council in identifying election candidates for councillors for the upcoming election, replacing any vacancies on Council who meet the criteria for councillors as described in the Governance Policy. For the 2023 year, the committee is looking for four new members: three professional members, of which one needs to be a professional geoscientist; and one intern (engineering or geoscience). Interested members who have a well-connected network with other professional members, an understanding of governance, succession planning, board/Council functions, as well as experience in the field of Human Resources are encouraged to apply. For more information on this opportunity please see the call for volunteers.

Ingenium Task Group - Multiple Volunteers Needed
The Ingenium Task Group assists in the planning of the professional development seminars that will be offered at the Association's annual Ingenium conference. The task group suggests suitable technical topics of interest, identifies suitable speakers to provide presentations at the conference, in addition, task group members may be called upon to assist in moderating conference sessions. The task group is currently looking for one engineering or geoscience intern (EIT/GIT) and two professional engineers (P.Eng.) or geoscientists (P.Geo.) to join the group. For more information on this opportunity please see the call for volunteers.

EngGeoMB Mentorship Centre Open House and Ribbon Cutting - Today! January 12, 2023
The Association invites you to our office at 870 Pembina Highway for the official opening of the new Mentorship Centre! From 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., you can stop by the building to network with other members, enjoy some drinks and snacks, and take a tour of our new Mentorship Centre on the second floor. With a variety of formal and informal meeting spaces, the centre is designed as a flexible space to meet and work. For more about the centre, the ribbon cutting, and information about our mentorship programs, please read our event listing.

Stopping Workplace Sexual Harassment on Multi-Party Worksites - January 26, 2023
A panel consisting of James Blatz, P.Eng., FEC, Katie Moist, P.Eng., and Michael Turko, C.E.T., Eng.L., and facilitated by Lisa Stepnuk, EIT, will present practices successfully used to stop the sexual harassment of women engineering interns and professionals on multi-party (consultant, client, contractor) worksites. This event is intended to resource executives, managers, and team leaders with organizational and departmental strategies to stop workplace sexual harassment. For more information and to register, please see our event listing.

Indigenous Members Chapter Networking Event - February 8, 2023
The Indigenous Members Chapter of EngGeoMB is hosting a wine and cheese event at the Association office. This is an opportunity for indigenous and non-indigenous affiliate members to meet and network. Wine, cheese, and other refreshments will be served. To register for this event, please reach out to EngGeoMB.Indigenous.Chapter@gmail.com.