Links to other websites
Career Advice
Fun and interactive!
- Explore Engineering - Engineers Canada introduction to engineering
- Ask an Engineer This Engineer Girl's site is packed with interviews, overviews, and steps to participating in events and winning scholarships
- Earth Sciences Canada Explore a cool interactive map helps you explore a career in Earth Sciences
- EnGenious An online mini-game and career advice
- Go For It! A fun overview about the many fields of engineering
- Kids Rock! ,
Teens Rock! ,
Teachers Rock! -
General Info
- Engineer Wikipedia article
- Earth Science Wikipedia article
- Engineer: Career Information article
- Career Cornerstone Center Career planning resources
Science Symposium Tips & Competitions
- informED How to choose and to prepare your science fair project
- Manitoba Robot Games Encompasses a variety of competitions
- Manitoba Schools Science Symposium Information about Manitoba's largest annual science event
- Parts Select Science experiments in the kitchen
- Science Fair Central Discovery Channel's guide to making awesome presentations
- Science project ideas for primary students to seniors
- Science experiments with water Science project ideas about water
- Resources for Science Classes Index of helpful science related sites
Fun, free and informative
- Khan Academy A vast list of educational videos
- Kid's Chemistry 101 Chemistry activities and learning aids
- Manitoba Rocks! Geoscience for kids, teens . . . everyone - dig deep!
- Periodic Videos Videos about the periodic table of elements
- Quirks and Quarks A radio show hosted by the CBC on science and discovery
- Science & Technology CBC's digital video archives
- Sixty Symbols Videos about the symbols of physics and astronomy
- This Week in Engineering Lots a videos about the latest developments in engineering
Youth Programs and Activities
- Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre Open for fossil dig activities
- Canada Science and Technology Museum Many activities, including school and virtual programs
- Mini U Brandon University's informative summer camp
- Shad Valley Four-week summer enrichment program
- WISE Program for girls run by University of Manitoba's Women in Science and Engineering
- The National Academies Press Science books here
- United Nuclear Browse and buy scientific equipment & supplies
- Canadian Scientists Biographies and profiles of accomplished Canadians
- Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century A starting point for exploring how engineering has improved every field of technology
- The National History Committee Site of the CSCE Historical projects from the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering
Studying at a University
These faculty or department homepages provide a broad overview of their programs, detailed admission requirements, and contact information:
- Brandon University's Departments in the Faculty of Science
- Brandon University's Department of Geology
- University of Manitoba's Department of Geological Sciences
- University of Manitoba's Faculty of Engineering
- University of Manitoba's Aboriginal Engineering Access Program (ENGAP)
- University of Manitoba's Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
- University of Manitoba's Undergraduate Programs listing
- Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Scholarships Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba offers a scholarship and bursary for first-year students. Other scholarships, especially for students further in their studies are listed here
- Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation Offers scholarships to women at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels
General Links
- Earth Science Canada An overview of Canadian earth science organizations
- IEEE Spectrum Technology, Engineering, and Science News
- Inform. Inspire. Entertain.
- Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN)
- The History of the Geological Survey of Canada in 175 Objects
(The Association does not endorse or support these links)