Supervisors and Mentors

As of September 2022, all new interns follow the Competency-Based Assessment instead of this previous experience review process. These details are for reference only, until the last applicants get registered or switch to CBA.

Supervisors and mentors guide your career development and take professional responsibility for your work before you are fully registered.

Your work experience reports must be verified by a professional engineer or geoscientist as the case may be, who has adequate knowledge of the engineering or geoscience work experience described in the report, and has met with you regularly to review your experience and progress.

If your direct supervisor is not a professional member of the Association, you must find a mentor who is. In this case both your direct supervisor and mentor must submit comments on your report. Otherwise, only the registered supervisor's comments are necessary.

If you are submitting experience gained outside of Manitoba, then a supervisor registered in the jurisdiction of the work is acceptable.

Review the Frequently Asked Questions.


When an Intern submits an electronic progress report to Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, and has specified you as their supervisor or mentor, you will be notified by e-mail that there is a new report awaiting your commentary. Use your Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba ID Number to log in to the Member's Website and submit your comments before the report will be sent for review.

Report writers are instructed to contact you independently, before and after they submit the report. Supervisor access does not depend on receiving the notification e-mail after the report has been submitted.

Progress Reports

Complete the following sections of the progress report in conjunction with the Intern:

  • Select Yes or No in response to the Intern's information given. If the answer is No, provide an explanation
  • Provide a statement of your opinion with regard to the work and professional progress of the Intern
  • Provide an estimate of the number of experience months that should be awarded to the Intern for the reporting period
  • Indicate if Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba can share your responses with the Intern
  • If there are issues with the report that should be fixed before it is submitted, return the report to the writer, and provide advice on what to fix before they should re-submit for your review.


Please submit your comments as soon as possible after the Intern has submitted a report to you. Your timely submissions will help the Intern receive feedback sooner and become a Professional Member sooner.

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba will count the date that the Intern portion was submitted as the report submission date. However, the Experience Review Committee will not review the progress report until we have received the supervisor and mentor (if required) comments.