Nominations for Council Elections

Council Vacancies for 2024

Professional Engineer:3
Professional Geoscientist:1

Note: There is no vacancy for the intern position on Council this year.

Nomination by Council, as recommended by the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is accepting applications from professional members who are interested in standing for nomination by Council, in the 2024 election.

Members are asked to complete the Application for Council (PDF) and submit it, along with their CV to the Association (on behalf of the Nominating Committee) by e-mail to Info@EngGeoMB.ca, or by other standard contact methods by the deadline.

For more information on the role of a councillor, please refer to GP-6 Councillor Roles and Job Description (PDF).

Applicants will be assessed based on skills and experience, a gap analysis of the continuing Council members, and prioritization of desired competencies and skills to add to Council. The Nominating Committee will put forward a slate of recommended candidates to Council for their consideration at the June Council meeting. Candidates that are nominated by Council will be put on the ballot for the upcoming election.

To qualify as a potential nominee, applicants must be professional members of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, in good standing, and reside in the province of Manitoba.

Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m., Friday, May 17, 2024

Council Election 2024 Important Dates

September 19, 2024Election candidates are announced
October 3, 2024Voting opens
October 18, 2024Voting closes
October 24, 2024Election results are announced at the Annual General Meeting

Nomination by Members

Alternatively, professional members can be nominated by completing the Nomination Form (PDF) and submitting it, along with their CV, to the Association (on behalf of the Secretary) up until the deadline of 4:30 p.m., Thursday, September 12, 2024.